Upgrade Your PS2 With An SSD
What You’ll Need
PS2 “fat” model
Free McBoot Card
SSD up to 16TB
2.5” to 3.5” HDD adapter
PS2 ti SATA adaoter
USB-A drive
Get It Here
This is a POWERFUL upgrade for your PS2 fat model! Not only can you load and play PS2 and PS1 games from an internal SSD, that SSD has no moving parts and is quiet! Best of all, transferring your game library from your computer to an SSD rather than a hard drive is up to 500% faster. That’s going to make building your game library a breeze!
All it takes is one single download to get things up and running. How’s that for easy? :)
Click the download button to get the all-in-one .zip file.
AIO Sources:
Ridgecrop Consultants Ltd
OIL Manager website
Open PS2 Loader Beta from GrimDoomer